All About SushiSwap (SUSHI)
All About SushiSwap (SUSHI)

SushiSwap is a Liquidity Provision Platform with SUSHI Tokenomics. It utilizes an automated market making system instead of a traditional order-book. Rather than matching individual buy and sell orders, users can pool together two assets that are then traded against the smart contract. The price is ultimately determined based on the ratio between the two assets.

  • SushiSwap is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) liquidity provision platform that is a fork of Uniswap .
  • Initially, to encourage liquidity provision, liquidity providers can earn SUSHI tokens by staking Uniswap Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens in an initial set of available pools.
  • Once token swaps are enabled, 0.25% of all trading fees in any pool are proportionately distributed to active liquidity providers, while 0.05% get converted back to SUSHI (through SushiSwap) and distributed to SUSHI token holders.
  • Staking SUSHI-ETH LP tokens on the SushiSwap platform grants stakers SUSHIPOWAH, which are voting rights that allow SUSHI token holders to vote on governance proposals that may shape the SushiSwap platform.

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All About SushiSwap (SUSHI)
DexStrats 31 August, 2021
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