New Listing: XCAD Network (XCAD)

We’re excited to welcome XCAD Network (XCAD) to Poloniex today!

New Listing: XCAD Network (XCAD) | Cryptocurrency Trading Signals, Strategies & Templates | DexStrats

Starting now, wallets are open and you can begin depositing XCAD into your Poloniex account. Full trading for XCAD with a USDT pair: XCAD/USDT will be enabled at 06:00 AM UTC today.

Interested in our listings? Tell your friends and earn 20% on their trading fees .

What is XCAD?
XCAD is the native token of XCAD Network, used for governance, empowering creator DEX, creating liquidity pool/staking, etc. XCAD Network provides creators with DeFi tools to create an incentivized economy by tokenizing the engagement of each creator’s audience & their content. XCAD Network is also home to an exclusive NFT Marketplace for creators, enabling one-click creation of rare and limited edition NFTs. Deposit XCAD now and begin trading .

Have an idea of what you want us to list next? Fill out our listing application or let us know on Twitter !

September 15, 2021

New Listing: XCAD Network (XCAD) | Cryptocurrency Trading Signals, Strategies & Templates | DexStrats

New Listing: XCAD Network (XCAD) was originally published in The Poloniex blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

New Listing: XCAD Network (XCAD)
DexStrats 16 September, 2021
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